Tuesday, August 17, 2010

WHAT is a REAL Cure for Body ACNE?

Honestly. I need an answer from sone who dealt with it like me. I have reall ybad acne on my back chest and now my arms. What could cure it fast! and keep it away. I already tried Nutrigena Acne Body wash and the one Luf something spunge and vitamins and water and a sunburn but nada works.WHAT is a REAL Cure for Body ACNE?
Stop peeing in the sink.WHAT is a REAL Cure for Body ACNE?
Go to your doctor or a dermatologist and get some perscription creams
maybe you need check this out

it might be a myth, old timers cure, but i heard vingear works. apple cider vingear. you could dab te area on your body with it, or drink it.. and that helps your skin... or what i would do since i have a weak stomach, is get the apple cider vingear pills. there is a lot of other pros to ACV (weight loss, cleansing your system etc)
Pro active IT WORKS
the same as facail acne, there is no one cure

try a facial wash made for acne-proactiv is great

continue to drink lots of water, it clears out your systemn and prevents your pores from cloging as much

exfoliate with sugar in the shower-this will remove surface dirt preventing acne

never sit in the sun without sunscreen! It makes any skin problem 100% worse!

never use suntan oils-it cloges pores majorly

there is no one cure for acne but there are ways to reduce it. you will most likely grow out of it sooner or later.

Dont give up on one treatment, it takes a while for any efforts to work

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