Friday, August 20, 2010

What is a good acne cure?

hey i have a fair amount of acne on my face and alot of it is inactive. people make fun of it all the time and i am starting to get angry all the time when people even mention it!! i cant even have a conversation without people staring at it. i want to ask out this beatiful girl but i am afraid because of my acne! But i really like her! so please respond. thanksWhat is a good acne cure?
umm i wouldnt use oxy pads if i were you. i used them before and they dried my skin out REALLY bad. I have acne also, but i have tanned skin so its not that obvious. I went to the doctor because i had acne on my back and they gave me this prescription. They said it was too strong to use on my face, but ive been using it on small areas of my face and it REALLY WORKS! (just dont wear it during the day unless it is cold out). It feels really nice because its like a cold gel. I got it at Kaiser. Anyways its called ....*going to look for it...

Greenstone brand

Clindamycin phosphate topical gel


And by the way, acne isnt really a turnoff for me...i know that people get breakouts they eventually clear up-its no big deal!!

good luck!What is a good acne cure?
whattt u already got it?? Report Abuse

Ok do NOT use soap, and depending on the severity of your acne do not use harsh products. People think that because their face feels nice and tight after washing it means its cleaning very well. Well the truth is those harsh products are stripping your skin of the natural and beneficial oils. If you clean too often or with too harsh products, that CAN CAUSE you to break out or have combo skin. I suggest looking for a creamy cleanser that is appropriate for your skin type. Only wash at night and tone in the morning. Look into Burts Bees products because theirs are 97-100% natual and are fairly priced.

Just remember to stay away from harsh products and soap which also strips and can leave a film on your skin, and soap has a very high PH which is not good for your skin. It can cause pre-aging.

Look for these ingrediants to STAY AWAY FROM:

Sodium Laurel/Laureth Sulfate

Synthetic Fragrences and Dyes


Good Luck
Acne is a very common condition. I think the statistics go something like this: 30 % of people have acne at some point in their life. Adult acne can be caused by hormonal imbalances.

Acne often cannot be cured but can be managed very effectively.

Call your local Laser clinic and ask for Photo dynamic therapy or IPL skin rejuvenation for acne.

It is of utmost importance to use products that are suitable for your skin type. Products that are heavy can feed your acne and it'll become worse.

You can read some more on this here鈥?/a>

Also if you go to a dermatologist and get something called Roaccutane you must be very careful. The drug dries up all your mucous membrane in your body and photo sensitivity in your skin for the duration of you taking it as well as for about 8 months after you stop it. Women on roaccutane must be on the pill as it causes deformities in fetuses.
if you can take the burn use apple cider or regular vinegar and a simple soap. the vinegar will fight whats under your skin. you can use hot water to open your pores and let the vinegar sit or use a simple facial scrub, dove soap, or astringent and mix the vinegar in with it and massage your face with your finger tips in forward circles for about 2-3 minutes with every spot/zone on your face. the vinegar removes dead skin cells, and fights, the pus that supports the dirt in your pores causing it to turn red or appear inflammed. massaging your face in forwards circles with your finger tips with relax your face also. do this twice a day! keep your hair out of your face, and don't sleep on your face!
If you have a lot of acne, you have to go to a dermatologist to look for a cure. If you have insurance, it won't be expensive. Just call your normal doctor and ask for the dermatologist's number.

There really is no miracle product, but you can try purpose gentle skin cleanser at any drug store. It's the best face wash ever, and so inexpensive.

About the girl, if she likes you, she won't care THAT much. A lot of people at my school have acne and are popular and NOT single.
dude your crewed, there is no cure, you have to wait till it goes away by itself. people mention it, i feel you, hearing poeple talking about acne, i feel you, afraid to talk to girls, i had all of these men i'm just like you, i beleive i had it worst, poeple making fun of you, get serious and if they keep making fun of you fight them,, if you like a girl, talk to her no matter what. it's worth trying
to me proactive didn't really work and if it does it is SO slow. so what i bought is this moisturizer and face wash from avon. i am not sure what it is called but i do know that the color of the bottle is bright orange and i think it is called VELOCITY..i am not to sure. but you do get results quick and your pimples don't look as red...but we all have different skin types so i would just give it a try and if it does work you should keep on using it... :D
Different things work for different people, but I found that using NOTHING helped me. I would wash my face, but generally use nothing else. I found that if I stripped my face of ALL the natural oils, it would send my skin into overproduction of oil and made my face worse.

Do you have a parent that you inherited this from? Can they give you suggestions?
Why dont u tell ur mom to take you a Dermatologist. I know how u feel because I too had the same problem with Acne especially on my cheeks. Right now I dont have any Acne just some small scars which I know that are going to fade away in time. My doctor gave me Retin A and that really worked for me. GOOD LUCK and GOD BLESS :O)
wash ure face daily and at night before bed with a flannel and a gentle soap maybe dowve and don't touch ur eface oo much umm use clear ehad black head stuff everyday and it should clear up x

its a miracle worker
oxy pads

they really work and u can buy them in ur local drug store

and dont worry bout, every1 gets acne :D
  • mineral foundation
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