Saturday, July 24, 2010

Would you recommend using antibiotics to cure acne?

any disadvantages or advantages if you know of any...Would you recommend using antibiotics to cure acne?
Antibiotics will help with your acne, but unfortunately it will not get to the core of your issue. It will just be a band aid for your acne. In other words, it is like pulling the head off a dandelion, if you don't get the roots out it will grow right back. My suggestion is that you look to find out what is causing your acne in the first place (the core of the issue). Yes, there is bacteria that is causing your acne, but what is causing the proper breading ground for the bacteria? Do you see what I'm getting at? At the same time, taking antibiotics also can deplete the good bacteria in your colon which will tax your immune system. I hope that helped. if you want more information you can visit my website at

Dr. William CohlWould you recommend using antibiotics to cure acne?
My Daughter uses antibiotic cream and thinks it helps. I advise her not to use it very often, and better would be to watch her diet, not over consuming sugars or hydrogenated fats

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