Thursday, July 22, 2010

How to cure acne in the beginning stage itself?

Pimples are often caused by what is going on internally. If you are an adolescent….it’s hormones. Under stress? Hormones! Female? Hormones! Sometimes pimples are signs that your body is toxic, and trying to clean itself out.

Lots of pimples could be impetigo….so go to the doctor!

Take good natural vitamins, B-complex and zinc. Eatr lots of fresh, raw fruits and veggies. Cut back on greasy foods. But goo healthy oils like safflower and olive oil are OK. Oh yeah, 8 glasses of water a day :-).

Clean your face well, but DONT try to “dry it out”. You will ruin your skin. Oily skin can actually be quite sensitive. If you dry your skin out,….it will overcompensate with more oil and zits. So gentle cleansers, and witch hazel based toners - nothing with rubbing alcohol or SD 40. And yep, a light moisturizer. NO SOAP. It will make more pimples.How to cure acne in the beginning stage itself?
1. Wash the face with water and ';Gulab jal'; [rose water]atlease thrice a day.

2. Avoid non-veg food.

3. Avoid highly spiced food.

4. Avoid alchoholic drinks and smoking.

5. Apply the paste made of sandlewood powder and water on the face daily.How to cure acne in the beginning stage itself?
oh jus wash your face twice with soap. and around 5 times without soap. and dont really worry because acnes and pimples are due to aging and reaching puberty

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