Saturday, July 24, 2010

Which is the fastest way 2 cure acne?

Wash your face with an olive oil soap at least twice a day, shampoo every day. Get sunlight on your acne frequently. Eat less fried foods, more veggies and fruits and drink lots of water. If that doesn't do it, you'll probably need to consult with a dermatologist.Which is the fastest way 2 cure acne?
i don't have the acne problem although i do use pro active to prevent blemishes you can order it on the infromecccial Report Abuse
Which is the fastest way 2 cure acne?
There is a lot of mixed up information out there on the net. If your interested in natural cures without having to go out and buy a bunch of expensive lotions and creams and antibiotics and whatnot....check out for some great info on natural cures! Report Abuse

baby oil
It depends on how fast you want that to be cured. But try using Garnier Acne Control , it works real fast.
Erythromycin gel, well thats what my dermatologist gave me. It really does work. I don't know any good over the counter drugs that are effective for me.
grew older then 12
I used Proactive to clear my face, it works just like the commerical says it would. If you dont want to spend a lot of money use Netrogeun. If you dont want to spend any money at all. Wash your face with some olive oil soap (or something that removes acne) make sure you wash it two to three times a day with warm water. Drink lots of water and eat healthy foods as well. And try to wash your hair or remove all oils from your face.
the fastest way to cure acne is to get a rag and get it as hot as u can stand it and put it on ur face it also cleanse ur face (NO SOAP) use no soap when doing this then put soap when bathing but when just going somewhere do this not saying youre dirty or anything lke that
sharp knife and scraping it off
try different types of medicine

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