never tried it but I've heard this works. Anyone tried it, did it work?....Ever used your own urine to cure acne?
I am always amazed what I can read on the Internet. Urine is not a suitable treatment for acne. The best treatment is to find a way to prevent the growth of propionibacteria acne that grows in the pore of your skin and inflames the surrounding tissue. If your condition is bad then antibiotics work well, it you have cystic acne then the Doctor should go with a more rigid procedure such as a anti steroidal medication.Ever used your own urine to cure acne?
its good for preventing blisters on your feet. they did it in the war.
it's good for growing lemons that aren't too sour.
i know i wouldn't be cupping it and rubbing it into my face however.
umm gonna say no to this one. not only is that gross, but i just don't see this working.
try something like this
No, but I can fix yours. Hold still.
Man, how bad could your acne be?
whoever told you that was making fun of you, i hope you won't try it
I had a guy that worked with me that did it, he said I should try it because it worked for it freaked me out too much.But there is even websites dedicated to urine curing and not just for acne.Try washing your face with head and shoulders Shampoo.That worked for me.And also put tea tree oil on your zits.Hope it works.Otherwise you have to see a Dermatologist.
never used it, but i have an aunt that said her doctor told her to do this and it works, but he said use ';first morning urine'; aunt didn't try it either!
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